
This document supplements the previous documentation destined to accompany the paper titled “Shaping the Transnational Public Sphere in Republican China: Discourses and Practices of the Rotary Club in the Shanghai press (1919-1949)” submitted to the Journal of Digital History. It is the continuation of a previous document devoted to topic modeling. This second document provides the code for time-based topic modeling and named entity extraction (part 2), mapping locations (part 3), and semantic analysis (part 4) in the ProQuest collection of English-language periodicals. This document has an equivalent for the Chinese-language press which is accessible here.

Populating the public sphere (Part 2)

Filtering topics (Step 1)

Select the documents that contain at least 0.11% of topic 3 in the 5-topic model (1256 documents).

doc3 <- topicprop5 %>% filter(Topic3 > 0.11)  # 1256

Refining text units (Step 2)

Focus on “feature” articles and remove non-relevant genres of articles (984 documents remain)

doc3_filtered <- doc3 %>% filter(!category %in% c("Image/Photograph", "Obituary", "Stock Quote")) %>% filter(!DocId == "1420033734") 

doc_to_remove <- doc3_filtered %>%
    str_detect(Title, "No Title|Brevities|BREVITIES|Men and Events|Notes|NOTES")
  ) %>% 
  filter(!category == ("Editorial, Commentary")) %>% 
  filter(!category == ("Letter to the Editor, Correspondence")) %>% 
  filter(!DocId == "1371424827") # 257 brevities to remove 

doc3_filtered <- doc3_filtered %>% filter(!DocId %in% doc_to_remove$DocId)

doc3_cat <- doc3_filtered %>% select(DocId, category) # select relevant metadata 

Retrieve the full text of documents using histtext (the current dataset contains only document ids), compute the length of articles (number of tokens) with quanteda, and join with metadata (category):


doc3_ft <- get_documents(doc3_filtered, "proquest")
doc3_ft <- doc3_ft %>% mutate(length = ntoken(Text))
doc3_ft <- left_join(doc3_cat, doc3_ft) 

Export the dataset to check manually abnormally long articles

write.csv(doc3_ft, "doc3_ft.csv")

Reimport shortened articles, remove these articles from the main list, and compile the two datasets to reconstitute the complete corpus with properly segmented news items:

doc3_short <- read_delim("doc3_short.csv", 
                         delim = ";", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)

# remove these articles from the main list 

doc3_filtered <- doc3_ft %>% filter(!DocId %in% doc3_short$DocId)

# compile the two datasets using bind rows

doc3_filtered$Topic3 <- NULL
doc3_short <- doc3_short %>% mutate(DocId = as.character(DocId)) %>% mutate(Date = as.character(Date))

revised_eng <- bind_rows(doc3_filtered, doc3_short)  

The revised English corpus contains a total of 954 articles.

Next, we create a customized list of stopwords to remove to improve the results of topic modeling.

First, we retrieve the tokens and we compute their length:


token <- revised_eng %>% select(DocId, Text)

token <- token %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = token, input = Text) 

token_count <- token %>% group_by(token) %>% count() %>% mutate(length = nchar(token))

Next, we create a preliminary list of stopwords by filtering tokens which appeared at least twice and contains at least 5 characters, and by removing non alphabetical characters (digits).

stopwords <- token_count %>% filter(length>4) %>% filter(n >1) %>% 
  filter(!grepl("[[:digit:]]", token)) # remove digits

We export the raw list for manual refinement in Excel, we re-import the manually refined list and we transform it into a vector which can be used later for building topic models:

stopwords <- read_csv("stopwords.csv")
stopvec <- as.vector(stopwords)

Time-based topic modelling (Step 3)

Define time windows

# create variable for years

revised_eng <- revised_eng %>%
  mutate(Year = stringr::str_sub(Date,0,4)) %>% 
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(Year))

# create variable for periods

revised_eng$period <- cut(revised_eng$Year, breaks = c(1919, 1929, 1937, 1948), 
                                label = c("1919-1929", "1930-1937", "1938-1948"), 
                                include.lowest = TRUE) 

# filter by period 

revised_eng %>% group_by(period) %>% count()

p1 <- revised_eng %>% filter(period == "1919-1929") # 184 articles
p2 <- revised_eng %>% filter(period == "1930-1937") # 687
p3 <- revised_eng %>% filter(period == "1938-1949") # 83 articles

Build a 5-topic model using stm:

# select metadata

meta <- p1 %>%  transmute(DocId, Title, Source, category, Date, Year, length)
meta <-

# create stm corpus object 

corpus <- stm::textProcessor(p1$Text,
                             metadata = meta, 
                             stem = FALSE, 
                             wordLengths = c(5, Inf), 
                             verbose = FALSE, 
                             customstopwords = stopvec)

stm::plotRemoved(corpus$documents, lower.thresh = c(0,10, by=5))

# chose 5 as the threshold for minimum frequency 

out <- stm::prepDocuments(corpus$documents, 
                          lower.thresh = 5)
# 10562 of 11702 terms (17079 of 30220 tokens) are removed due to frequency. 
# The corpus now has 184 documents, 1140 terms and 13141 tokens.

# build the 5-topic model 

mod.5 <- stm::stm(out$documents, 
                  out$vocab, K=5, 
                  prevalence =~ Year + Source + category, 
                  verbose = FALSE)

Estimate the effects of time (year) and source (periodical) on topic prevalence:

year5 <- stm::estimateEffect(1:5 ~ Year, mod.5, meta=out$meta)
source5 <- stm::estimateEffect(1:5 ~ Source, mod.5, meta=out$meta)

Explore the topics

plot.STM(mod.5,"summary", n=5)

Topical clusters

This section explains how to cluster documents based on their topic proportions using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Clustering (HCPC).

Extract topic proportions:

topicprop5<-make.dt(mod.5, meta)

Prepare the data for PCA:

pca5 <- topicprop5 %>% select(DocId, Topic1, Topic2, Topic3, Topic4, Topic5)
pca5 <- pca5 %>% column_to_rownames("DocId")

Load the FactoMineR package and run PCA and HCPC functions:



Optionally, plot the results of PCA and HCPC:

plot.PCA(res.PCA,choix='var',title="PCA graph of variables (topic proportions)")
plot.PCA(res.PCA,title="PCA graph of individuals (documents)")

Extract and relabel topical clusters

pca_clusters <-$data.clust)
pca_clusters <- rownames_to_column(pca_clusters, "DocId") %>% select(DocId, clust) %>% rename(clust5 = clust)
pca_clusters <- pca_clusters %>% mutate (label5 = fct_recode(clust5, "American education" = "1", 
                                                             "Pacific relations" = "2", 
                                                             "Water conservancy and public health" = "3", 
                                                             "Labor, industry, and Soviet Russia" = "4", 
                                                             "International peace" = "5"))

Join clusters with other metadata:

pca_clusters_meta <- left_join(pca_clusters, meta)

Retrieving actors (Step 4)

Extract named entities using histtext ner_on_df function:

ner_eng <- ner_on_df(p1, "Text", id_column="DocId", model = "spacy:en:ner")

Select entities of interest (persons, organizations, locations):

pers_eng <- ner_eng %>% filter(Type == "PERSON")
org_eng <- ner_eng %>% filter(Type == "ORG")
loc_eng <- ner_eng %>% filter(Type %in% c("LOC", "GPE"))


Data cleaning on persons names.

First, remove special characters and digits and convert names to title case:

p1_pers_eng <- p1_pers_eng %>% mutate(Text_clean = str_remove_all(Text, "[:digit:]")) %>%
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean,"- ","")) %>%
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean," -","")) %>%
  mutate(Text_clean = str_squish(Text_clean))  %>%
  mutate(Text_clean = str_remove_all(Text_clean, "'s"))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean, "^\\.", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, "^\\--", ""))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, "^\\-", ""))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, "^\\'", ""))%>%
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_squish(Text_clean2)) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, "\\''$", ""))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, "\\'$", ""))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, "\\--$", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, "\\-$", ""))%>%
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, " 'R", " R"))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_remove_all(Text_clean2, "''")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace_all(Text_clean2, " '", " ")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace_all(Text_clean2, "' ", " "))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace_all(Text_clean2, " . ", " "))%>%
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_to_title(Text_clean2)) 

Remove titles (Dr, Mr)

p1_pers_eng <- p1_pers_eng %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean2 = str_replace(Text_clean2, "Dr ", ""))%>% 
  filter(!Text_clean2 %in% c("Mr", "Dr"))

Replace empty strings with NA and remove NA values:

# replace empty strings by NA

p1_pers_eng$Text_clean2[p1_pers_eng$Text_clean2==""] <- NA

# remove NAs

p1_pers_eng <- p1_pers_eng %>% drop_na(Text_clean2)

Compute basic statistics to assist further data cleaning:

# measure text length to identify anomalies and eliminate persons names that contain less than 2 characters

p1_pers_eng <- p1_pers_eng %>%  
  mutate(length = nchar(Text_clean2)) %>%
  filter(length >1)

# count names frequency 

p1_pers_eng <- p1_pers_eng %>%
  group_by(Text_clean2) %>% add_tally()

# count number of tokens to identify compound names or incomplete names   

p1_pers_eng <- p1_pers_eng %>% mutate(token = ntoken(Text_clean2))

Export dataset to finish manually

write.csv(p1_pers_eng, "p1_pers_eng.csv")


Data cleaning of organizations.

First, remove OCR noise and standardize names variants:

p1_org_eng <- p1_org_eng %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text, "'s$", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, " s$", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_to_title(Text_clean)) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Mctyeire", "McTyeire")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "^The ", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "^He ", ""))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_squish(Text_clean)) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "^-", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "-$", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "^''", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "^'", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "'$", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, ". ''$", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, ". '$", "")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_squish(Text_clean)) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "1 Curtis", "Curtis")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Co$", "Company"))  %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Co Ltd$", "Company")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Co Inc$", "Company")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Com Pany", "Company"))  %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Corpora$", "Corporation"))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Corp$", "Corporation"))%>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Mfg 5 Mrg", "Manufacturing")) %>% 
  mutate(Text_clean = str_replace(Text_clean, "Mfg", "Manufacturing"))  

Count length and export for manual refinement:

p1_org_eng <- p1_org_eng %>% mutate(length = nchar(Text_clean)) 
write.csv(p1_org_eng, "p1_org_eng.csv")

Reload cleaned data

p1_org_eng_clean <- read_delim("p1_org_eng_clean.csv", 
                               delim = ";", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)

write.csv(p1_org_eng_clean, "p1_org_eng_clean.csv")

Count frequencies

p1_org_eng_clean_count <- p1_org_eng_clean %>% distinct(DocId, Text_clean) %>% group_by(Text_clean) %>% count()

Extract the class of organizations:

# create vectors of classifiers

class <- as.vector(c("Association", "Club", "College", "School", "University", 
                     "Company", "Corporation", 
                     "Army", "Corps", "Navy", 
                     "Hospital", "Clinic", 
                     "Government", "Council", "Commission", "Administration",
                     "Congress", "Parliament", "House",
                     "Press", "News", "Times", "Tribune","Journal", "Magazine", "Pao", "Herald"))
classvec2 <- paste(classvec, sep = "", collapse = "|")

# extract the terms listed 

p1_org_eng_clean <- p1_org_eng_clean %>% mutate(class2 = str_extract(Text_clean, classvec2)) 

# count number of organizations in each category

class_count <- p1_org_eng_clean %>% distinct(Text_clean, class2) %>% group_by(class2) %>% count(sort = TRUE)

# create edge list and node list

# select unique pairs

p1_org_unique <- p1_org_eng_clean %>% distinct(DocId, Text_clean, class2) 

# rank organizations based on their frequency

p1_org_count<- p1_org_unique %>% distinct(DocId, Text_clean) %>% group_by(Text_clean) 

# export edge list and node list 

p1_edge_org <- p1_org_unique %>% select(DocId, Text_clean)
p1_node_org  <- p1_org_unique %>% distinct(Text_clean, class2)

write.csv(p1_edge_org, "p1zh_pers_edge.csv")
write.csv(p1_node_org, "p1zh_org_node.csv")

Mapping the Public Sphere (Part 3)


# load locations data 

loc_map <- read_delim("maps/loc_map.csv", 
                      delim = ";", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)

# select countries 

loc_map_country  <-  loc_map %>% mutate(Country = Place) %>% mutate(Prov_Py = Province) %>% 
  filter(Type == "Country") %>% mutate(Prov_Py = Province) %>% 
  select(Language, Period, Type, Country, Count)

# load packages

install.packages("tmap", repos = c("",
library(tmap)    # for static and interactive maps
library(leaflet) # for interactive maps

# load country data

world_name <- world %>%
world_name <- world_name %>% rename(Country = name_long)

# join with my list of countries

loc_map_country <- inner_join(loc_map_country, world_name)
loc_map_country_eng <- loc_map_country %>% filter(Language == "English")

# compute mean frequencies across period

loc_map_country_eng_mean <- loc_map_country_eng %>% 
  group_by(Country, iso_a2, geom) %>% 
  summarise(mean = round(mean(Count), 0)) %>% ungroup()

# convert dataframe into shapefile 

loc_map_country_eng_sf <- st_as_sf(loc_map_country_eng_mean, sf_column_name = "geom", crs = "WGS84")

# Create a color palette for the map:

mypalette_eng <- colorBin( palette="Blues", domain=loc_map_country_eng_mean$mean, na.color="transparent", bins = 5)

# create choropleth map

leaflet(loc_map_country_eng_sf) %>% 
  addTiles()  %>% 
  setView( lat=10, lng=0 , zoom=2) %>%
  addPolygons( stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.9, smoothFactor = 0.5, color = ~colorBin("Blues", mean)(mean) ) %>%
  addLegend( pal=mypalette_eng, values=~mean, opacity=0.9, title = "Mean frequency", position = "bottomleft" )


# create city data

loc_map_zh_to_join <-  loc_map %>% mutate(Name = Place) %>% mutate(Prov_Py = Province) %>% filter(Country == "China")

# Chinese cities/provinces

MCGD_Data2023.06.21 <- read.csv("~/publicsphere/maps/MCGD_Data2023-06-21.csv")
mcgd <- MCGD_Data2023.06.21

# join with Chinese coordinates 

zh_city <- inner_join(loc_map_zh_to_join, mcgd)

missing <- setdiff(loc_map_zh_to_join$Name, zh_city$Name)
missing <-

write.csv(zh_city, "zh_city.csv")

# reload clean data

zh_city2 <- read_delim("maps/zh_city2.csv", 
                       delim = ";", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)

# filter non Chinese cities

loc_map_cities <-  loc_map %>% mutate(Name = Place) %>% filter(Type == "City") %>% filter(!Country == "China")

# join with geocoordinates


world_cities <- world.cities %>%
world_cities2 <- world_cities %>% mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, "'"))
world_cities2 <- world_cities2 %>% select(Name, country.etc, lat, long)

loc_map_cities_latlong <- inner_join(loc_map_cities, world_cities2)
loc_map_cities_latlong <- left_join(loc_map_cities, world_cities2)

# find duplicates 

pb <- loc_map_cities_latlong %>% group_by(Name, country.etc) %>% count() %>% filter(n>1)

# reload cleaned cities 

cities_clean <- read_delim("cities_clean.csv", 
                           delim = ";", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)

cities_to_join <- cities_clean %>% select(Language, Period, Country, Name, Count, lat, long)

zh_city2_to_join <- zh_city2 %>% select(Language, Period, Country, Name, Count, LAT, LONG) %>% rename(lat = LAT, long = LONG)  

all_cities <- bind_rows(cities_to_join, zh_city2_to_join)

all_cities <- all_cities %>% mutate(City = str_replace(Name, "Jiangsu", "Shanghai"))

# filter by language 

all_cities_eng <- all_cities %>% filter(Language == "English")

# compute mean 

loc_map_city_eng_mean <- all_cities_eng %>% 
  group_by(Name, lat, long) %>% 
  summarise(mean = round(mean(Count), 0)) %>% ungroup()

# map with leaflet

loc_map_city_eng_mean %>%
  leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addCircleMarkers( radius = ~log(mean)*2.5,
                    label = ~Name,
                    color = "white",
                    weight = 2,
                    opacity = 0.6,
                    fill = TRUE,
                    fillColor = "blue",
                    fillOpacity = 0.9,
                    stroke = TRUE,
                    popup = ~paste( "City:", Name ,
                                    "Mean frequency:", mean))

Articulating the Public Sphere (Part 4)


Create bigrams

# load packages


eng_bigram <- doc3_ft %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = bigram, 
                input = Text, 
                token = "ngrams", 
                n = 2)

# preliminary cleaning 

eng_bigram <- eng_bigram %>% mutate(bigram = str_remove_all(bigram, "[:digit:]"))  %>% 
  mutate(bigram = str_replace_all(bigram, "[[:punct:]]", ""))%>% 
  filter(!str_detect(bigram, '[0-9]{1,}')) %>% 
  mutate(bigram = str_remove_all(bigram, "'s")) %>%
  mutate(bigram = str_remove_all(bigram, "'")) %>%
  mutate(bigram = str_remove_all(bigram, "'")) %>% ) 
  mutate(bigram = str_squish(bigram)) %>% 
  mutate(bigram = str_replace_all(bigram, "na tions", "nations"))%>% 
  mutate(bigram = str_replace_all(bigram, "na tion", "nation")) %>% 
  mutate(bigram = str_replace_all(bigram, "na tional", "national"))%>% 
  mutate(bigram = str_replace_all(bigram, "inter national", "international"))%>% 
  mutate(bigram = str_replace_all(bigram, "inter nationally", "internationally"))%>% 
  mutate(bigram = str_replace(bigram, "^ternational", "international"))

# separate bigrams into words for further cleaning
eng_bigram_separated <- eng_bigram %>%
  separate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep = " ")

# remove stop words and other non words

eng_bigram_filtered <- eng_bigram_separated %>% 
  rename(word = word1) %>%
  anti_join(stop_words) %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(word, '[0-9]{1,}')) %>% 
  filter(nchar(word) > 3) %>% 
  filter(!word %in% c("tion", "tions", "chin", "ment")) %>%
  mutate(word = str_remove_all(word, "'s")) %>%
  mutate(word = str_remove_all(word, "'")) %>%
  rename(word1 = word) %>% 
  rename(word = word2) %>%
  anti_join(stop_words) %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(word, '[0-9]{1,}')) %>% 
  filter(nchar(word) > 3) %>% 
  filter(!word %in% c("tion", "tions", "chin", "ment")) %>%
  rename(word2 = word)   

# reunite bigrams

eng_bigram_united <- eng_bigram_filtered %>%
  unite(bigram, word1, word2, sep = " ")

# count bigrams 

eng_bigram_count <- eng_bigram_united %>%
  count(bigram, sort = TRUE)

# Join with metadata to identify the most frequent bigrams by period

eng_bigram_united_meta <- left_join(eng_bigram_united, meta)


Focus on bigrams centered on “international” and filter irrelevant terms:

internat_bigram <- eng_bigram_filtered %>% filter(word1 == "international") %>% 
  filter(!word2 == "international") %>% 
  filter(!word2 %in% c("addressed", "arrived", "approximately"))

Count frequencies and tf-idf by period

# count bigrams 

internat_bigram_count <- internat_bigram %>%
  count(bigram, sort = TRUE)

# tf idf by period
internat_bigram_tf_idf_period <- internat_bigram_united_clean %>%
  count(period, bigram_clean) %>%
  bind_tf_idf(bigram_clean, period, n) %>%

# visualize 

internat_bigram_tf_idf_period %>%
  group_by(period) %>%
  top_n(10, tf_idf) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(bigram_clean = reorder(bigram_clean, tf_idf)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(tf_idf, bigram_clean, fill = period)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~ period, scales = "free", ncol=3) +
  labs(x = "tf-idf", y = "bigram", 
       title = "Highest tf-idf bigrams associated with \"international\" in the Rotary Club corpus", 
       subtitle = "tf-idf by period", 
       caption = "Based on ProQuest \"Chinese Newspapers Collection (CNC)\"")


Focus on bigrams centered on “public”

public_bigram <- eng_bigram_filtered %>% filter(word1 == "public")

Count frequencies and tf-idf by period

# count bigrams 

public_bigram_count <- public_bigram %>%
  count(bigram, sort = TRUE)

# tf idf by period
public_bigram_tf_idf_period <- public_bigram_united_clean %>%
  count(period, bigram_clean) %>%
  bind_tf_idf(bigram_clean, period, n) %>%

# visualize 

public_bigram_tf_idf_period %>%
  group_by(period) %>%
  top_n(10, tf_idf) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(bigram_clean = reorder(bigram_clean, tf_idf)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(tf_idf, bigram_clean, fill = period)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~ period, scales = "free", ncol=3) +
  labs(x = "tf-idf", y = "bigram", 
       title = "Highest tf-idf bigrams associated with \"public\" in the Rotary Club corpus", 
       subtitle = "tf-idf by period", 
       caption = "Based on ProQuest \"Chinese Newspapers Collection (CNC)\"")


Create collocates (including bigrams) using quanteda


eng_tokens <- tokens(docs3_ft$Text) %>%
eng_colloc <- textstat_collocations(eng_tokens, size = 2, min_count = 2) 

eng_colloc_clean <- eng_colloc %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(collocation, '[0-9]{1,}')) %>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_remove_all(collocation, "'s")) %>%
  mutate(collocation = str_remove_all(collocation, "'")) %>%
  mutate(collocation = str_remove_all(collocation, "'")) 

eng_colloc_clean <- eng_colloc %>% mutate(collocation = str_remove_all(collocation, "[:digit:]"))  %>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_replace_all(collocation, "[[:punct:]]", "")) %>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_squish(collocation)) %>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_replace_all(collocation, "na tions", "nations"))%>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_replace_all(collocation, "na tion", "nation")) %>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_replace_all(collocation, "na tional", "national"))%>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_replace_all(collocation, "inter national", "international"))%>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_replace_all(collocation, "inter nationally", "internationally"))%>% 
  mutate(collocation = str_replace(collocation, "^ternational", "international"))

# replace empty strings by NA

eng_colloc_clean$collocation[eng_colloc_clean$collocation==""] <- NA

# remove NA 
eng_colloc_clean <- eng_colloc_clean %>% drop_na(collocation)

eng_colloc_clean <- eng_colloc_clean %>% mutate(length = nchar(collocation)) %>% mutate(ntoken = ntoken(collocation))

# remove tokens with less than 4 characters

eng_colloc_clean <- eng_colloc_clean %>% filter(length > 3) 

# merge tokens and collocations

corpus_tokens <- tokens_compound(eng_tokens, eng_colloc_clean)

minimumFrequency <- 2

# Create DTM, prune vocabulary and set binary values for presence/absence of types
binDTM <- corpus_tokens %>% 
  tokens_remove("") %>%
  dfm() %>% 
  dfm_trim(min_docfreq = minimumFrequency, max_docfreq = 1000000) %>% 

Convert document-term matrix into tidydaframe to compute pairwise count, clean the data and remove stopwords:

# convert DTM into tidy dataframe 


eng_td <- tidy(binDTM)

# count pairwise 


word_pairs <- eng_td %>%
  pairwise_count(term, document, sort = TRUE)

# remove non words based on their length

word_pairs <- word_pairs %>% mutate(l1 = nchar(item1)) %>% mutate(l2 = nchar(item2))
word_pairs_filtered <- word_pairs %>% filter(l1>3) %>% filter(l2>3)

# create list of stopwords to remove 

stop_words <- c("one", "even", "now", "much", "can", "made", "still", "may", "well", "yet", "make", "first", "since", 
                "re", "also", "said","ing", "take", "two", "every", "whole", "among","tion", "just", "however", "ed", 
                "last","taken","lo", "enough", "come", "upon", "another", "without", "found", "s", "done", "put", "told", 
                "given","might","met", "brought", "although","gave", "less", "perhaps", "th","ol","pro", "led", "find", "de", 
                "us", "ex", "ion", "tho", "nil", "certainly", "held", "arc", "toward", "rather", "bring", "china's", "con", "seen", 
                "see", "indeed", "get", "shown", "go", "later", "stated", "really", "often", "oi", "ihe","taking", "felt", "hi", "ho", 
                "strongly", "always", "used", "per", "im", "lias", "showed", "look", "spoke", "says", "three", "already", "able", "therefore", 
                "etc", "comes", "though", "especially", "ii", "due", "en", "al", "cf", "pointed","lor", "extremely", "left", "says", "tlie", "let", 
                "shall", "thus", "ly", "whose", "ot", "ha", "se", "dis", "ten", "latter", "third", "hold", "con_ditions", "spite", "govern_ment", 
                "owing", "hie", "ad", "un", "must", "within","went", "many", "ment", "give")

stop_words <-

# remove stop words 

word_pairs_filtered <- word_pairs_filtered %>% filter(!item1 %in% stop_words$stop_words) %>% 
  filter(!item2 %in% stop_words$stop_words)


Select collocates of “international” and “national”

nation_inter <- word_pairs_filtered %>% filter(item1 %in% c("national", "international"))
nation_inter <- nation_inter %>% select(item1, item2, n) %>% rename(cooc = n)

Create a node list of words with their frequencies

nation_inter_node <- nation_inter %>% select(item2) %>% unique() %>% rename(word = item2)
word_count <- eng_tidy_token_filtered %>% group_by(word) %>% add_tally() %>% select(word, n) %>% unique()
word_count <- word_count %>% rename(count = n)
nation_inter_node <- inner_join(nation_inter_node, word_count)

Compute word frequencies and join frequencies with the list of words

eng_tidy_token_filtered %>% group_by(word) %>% add_tally() 
word_count <- eng_tidy_token_filtered %>% select(word, n) %>% unique()
word_count <- word_count %>% rename(count = n)
nation_inter_node <- inner_join(nation_inter_node, word_count)

Filter pairs with weight > 100

nation_inter_filtered <- nation_inter %>% filter(cooc > 100)

Build a co-ocurrence network with igraph


e.list <- nation_inter_filtered
v.attr <- nation_inter_node_filtered

G <-, vertices=v.attr, directed=FALSE)

v.size <- V(G)$count # index node size to words frequencies
v.label <- V(G)$name
E(G)$weight <- E(G)$cooc # index edge weight to pairs frequencies
eigenCent <- evcent(G)$vector # index node color to their eigenvector centrality 

head(eigenCent, 20)

plot(sort(eigenCent, decreasing=TRUE), type="l")

bins <- unique(quantile(eigenCent, seq(0,1,length.out=30)))
vals <- cut(eigenCent, bins, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)

colorVals <- rev(heat.colors(length(bins)))[vals]
V(G)$color <- colorVals

l <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(G)


Refine network visualization with tidygraph and gggraph


tg <- tidygraph::as_tbl_graph(G) %>% activate(nodes) %>% mutate(label=name)

v.size <- V(tg)$count
E(tg)$weight <- E(tg)$cooc
eigenCent <- evcent(tg)$vector
bins <- unique(quantile(eigenCent, seq(0,1,length.out=30)))
vals <- cut(eigenCent, bins, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)
colorVals <- rev(heat.colors(length(bins)))[vals]

tg %>%
  ggraph(layout="stress") +
  geom_edge_link(alpha = .25, colour='white', aes(width = weight)) +
  geom_node_point(size=log(v.size)*2, color=colorVals) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), repel = TRUE, point.padding = unit(0.2, "lines"), size=log(v.size), colour="white") +
  theme_graph(background = 'grey20')

Create biplot of collocates

# select term of interest (international)

international <- "international" 

# calculate co-occurrence statistics using log-likelihood (LOGLIK)

source("") # load function for co-occurrence calculation

coocs <- calculateCoocStatistics(international, DTM, measure="LOGLIK")

# reduce document-term matrix 

redux_dfm <- dfm_select(DTM, 
                        pattern = c(names(coocs)[1:100], "international"))

tag_fcm <- fcm(redux_dfm)

coocdf <- coocs %>% %>%
  dplyr::mutate(CollStrength = coocs,
                Term = names(coocs)) 

coocdf_filtered <- coocdf %>%
  dplyr::filter(CollStrength > 13) 

# create matrix of collocates


collocates <- t(binDTM) %*% binDTM
collocates <- as.matrix(collocates)

coolocs <- c(coocdf_filtered$Term, "international")

# remove non-collocating terms
collocates_redux <- collocates[rownames(collocates) %in% coolocs, ]
collocates_redux <- collocates_redux[, colnames(collocates_redux) %in% coolocs]

# create biplot of collocates 

library(factoextra) <- CA(collocates_redux, graph = FALSE)

fviz_ca_row(, repel = TRUE, col.row = "gray20", title = "Collocates of *international* in the Rotary corpus")


Select collocates of “public” based bigrams

# create list of bigrams 

list <- c("public_opinion", "public_spirited", "public_spirit",
          "public_service", "public_services", "public_affairs", 
          "public_welfare", "public_utility", "public_utilities")
list <-
list <- list %>% rename(item1 = list)

# select bigrams in list of collocates 

public_cooc <- word_pairs_filtered %>% filter(item1 %in% list$item1)

# filter pairs with a weight > 5 

public_cooc <- public_cooc %>% rename(cooc = n) 
public_filtered <- public_cooc %>% filter(cooc > 5)

Create node list of words

public_node_filtered1 <- public_filtered %>% select(item1) %>% unique() %>% rename(word = item1)
public_node_filtered2 <- public_filtered %>% select(item2) %>% unique() %>% rename(word = item2)
public_node_filtered <- bind_rows(public_node_filtered1, public_node_filtered2)
public_node_filtered <- public_node_filtered %>% unique()
public_node_filtered <- inner_join(public_node_filtered, word_count)

Build a co-ocurrence network with igraph


e.list <- public_filtered
v.attr <- public_node_filtered

G <-, vertices=v.attr, directed=FALSE)

v.size <- V(G)$count
v.label <- V(G)$name
E(G)$weight <- E(G)$cooc
eigenCent <- evcent(G)$vector

head(eigenCent, 20)

plot(sort(eigenCent, decreasing=TRUE), type="l")

bins <- unique(quantile(eigenCent, seq(0,1,length.out=30)))
vals <- cut(eigenCent, bins, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)

colorVals <- rev(heat.colors(length(bins)))[vals]
V(G)$color <- colorVals

l <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(G)


Refine network visualization with tidygraph and gggraph

tg <- tidygraph::as_tbl_graph(G) %>% activate(nodes) %>% mutate(label=name)

v.size <- V(tg)$count
E(tg)$weight <- E(tg)$cooc
eigenCent <- evcent(tg)$vector
bins <- unique(quantile(eigenCent, seq(0,1,length.out=30)))
vals <- cut(eigenCent, bins, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)
colorVals <- rev(heat.colors(length(bins)))[vals]

tg %>%
  ggraph(layout="stress") +
  geom_edge_link(alpha = .25, colour='white', aes(width = weight)) +
  geom_node_point(size=log(v.size)*1.5, color=colorVals) +
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), repel = TRUE, point.padding = unit(0.2, "lines"), size=log(v.size), colour="white") +
  theme_graph(background = 'grey20')